Park Service to Close South Plaza Island for Rat Eradication Program

IGTOA Member CNH Tours reported this week on their blog that the Galapagos National Park Service will close the island of South Plaza to visitors from November 17th to December 17th of this year to execute an eradication program aimed at invasive rat species.  Non-native black and Norway rat species pose a major threat, primarily to bird species.  The Park Service will carry out the program in conjunction with the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS).  The CDRS has developed and refined techniques that target a particular species without harming native species.  The two organizations have previously carried out successful rat eradication programs on other small islands in Galapagos archipelago. 

Invasive species are among the most serious threats facing the islands.  Most were carried to the archipelago aboard ships over the past few centuries, and the problem continues with cargo and tourist traffic reaching the islands today. (Photo courtesy of Galapagos National Park Service)

Matt Kareus

Matt is the Executive Director of IGTOA.

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