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IGTOA Launches Fundraiser for the Community Library in Puerto Ayora
Public libraries are an important resource in any community, but they are even more critical in remote places like the Galapagos Islands, where access to the internet, books, skills training, and cultural activities is often badly lacking.
That's why IGTOA is a proud supporter of the community library in Puerto Ayora. The library provides learning opportunity and skills training for students and community members of all ages. It has also become an important venue for cultural activities, conferences and workshops as well as a free and reliable source of internet for many people who would otherwise lack access. Even more importantly, the library provides young people with the skills, information and understanding they need to become excellent stewards of the priceless natural heritage that surrounds them.
But this hasn't always been the case. In 2005, our friends at the Galapagos Guides Association (AGIPA), secured a grant to build the library, the very first in the islands. Management responsibilities were handed over to the municipality of Santa Cruz. Sadly, over time it became increasingly underutilized. Vandals damaged the building and eventually many of its books and much of its equipment went missing. The library's future looked bleak.
Fortunately, AGIPA once again stepped in, this time to take over the management and funding of the library. Thanks to their competent oversight and support from various organizations (including an $18,000 grant from IGTOA in 2020), the library has once again become a vibrant and important community resource and cultural hub.
But today the library needs our help. As you know, the Galapagos Islands have been hit extremely hard economically by the Covid-19 pandemic. In the past, much of the funding for worthwhile projects and initiatives in the islands has come directly and indirectly through tourism. Without a reliable source of outside funding, the library could cease to exist all together.
That's why IGTOA is spearheading a fundraiser to support the library. If we hit our goal of raising $15,000, IGTOA will provide an additional $5,000 in matching funds.
But we need your help! To make a donation, click here.
100% of every tax deductible donation will go directly to cover overhead costs, staffing, and to purchase books, supplies, and equipment.
Together, we can help ensure that the community library remains a vital and vibrant safe haven for learning, community building, and cultural experiences for years to come!